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How to survive a digital tsunami?

The digital “disruption” doesn’t mean you need to radically transform your business. Becoming another Google, Amazon or Facebook is not your...
4 min read 383

Should I Take This Money? 5 Major Ways VCs Invest In You — And H...

VCs come in many different shapes: investment thesis, fund size, geographic focus, profit-motivated versus strategic returns, and how they invest. Indeed,...
3 min read 210

CRM Data Management: Six Best Practices to Improve Data Quality

Not satisfied with your CRM data-quality? Check out these data improving practices to enhance your CRM data management and quality. For...
3 min read 508

The healthcare industry is growing from strength to strength in 2021- ...

Stretched to its limits by the repercussions of the Pandemic last year, the healthcare industry has been forced to evolve at...
3 min read 700

Greener Pastures – Humans Move Rather Than Solve Their Problems

We resist solving problems we create. History illustrates our tendency to leave rather than solve problems. It reveals the flaw in...
4 min read 450

Ethical considerations of Artificial Intelligence in the workplace

This ethical framework is intended to be a guide to help facilitate the ethical implementation of AI in the workplace. “I...
5 min read