21 Stories by Nabeel Tahir
Monitoring Labour and Productivity through A.I. What is RTLS? RTLS can determine the location of a medium in real time, monitor and analyse movement in a...
Content Creation and The Divide. Lately, the prevalent formula for success has been; you produce content which people find most agreeable and ride the train...
You only fail when you give up. Every hero must fall, we live for the moments that the underdog emerges; rising to the challenges in...
Do you have a highly suggestive personality? Inception, what a marvellous cinematic experience, many of us who watched it were left confused, intrigued, wondering...
Addiction, we can’t visibly recognise. At a recent research study, based upon the work of previous findings — we wanted to conduct a simple...
Great leadership requires a solid foundation of self-esteem. It’s not the ones that are always wrong that we need to be worried about, it’s...
Leadership through “Trust”, not “Fear”. Far too often I’ve seen great businessmen fail as being great leaders, the problem is their ego becomes too inflated...
On leaving behind digital breadcrumbs. In his revealing and subliminal book on Business Strategy, Only the Paranoid Survive, Intel’s C.E.O Andrew S. Grove (God...
Brick by Brick, regardless of your presence. You can learn a lot by observing children about the parents who raised them. Similarly, you can...
It’s a screen within a screen, packed into another screen; incase you missed the previous screens. Because more screens, that’s why! It’s “Innovation”. “Hey...
The Copyright Law that is about more than just “Meme-Control”. Let’s unpack this subject in a manner that we can all comprehend, since I’m...
We’re not running out of alternatives for fuel. The energy sector was once a booming glory of investors, no matter the market’s state — the...