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Healthcare Too Cheap to Meter

“When the apocalypse comes, everyone will be on their own to buy healthcare.” Dave “ePatient” DeBronkart dropped this casually into a phone...
6 min read 313

Can Startups Disrupt Medical Errors?

Primum non nocere — Latin for “first, do no harm” has been enshrined by the medical practice since the times of...
2 min read 562

Personhood for Robots Will Destroy the Economy and Jobs or Will It?

Robots won’t be tax-paying, and they will eliminate jobs and create a great need for re-training out-of-work humans. Who will train...
4 min read 212

Which Country is Number One in Healthcare?

An in-depth look into the Definition of Quality of Medical Care and current Misconceptions around its True Essence Quality is relative,...
8 min read 300

Why Fintech Industry Needs To Leverage Blockchain – 6 Uses Cases...

Blockchain is considered to be a revolutionary technology known for a decentralized database. Ever since it was introduced as the backing...
3 min read 391

How to Build a Martian Economy

Step aside science nerds, an economist needs to say something… To some, colonizing Mars is an exciting future to look forward...
6 min read 412