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Is your startup Covid proof?

After a long confinement period, the world is starting to re-open its economy. it’s unclear if it’s going to last, but...
3 min read 157

Shor’s Algorithm: the bane of RSA

RSA encryption is a public-key encryption system. This means it has a public key, accessible to all, and a private key...
5 min read 831

Chatbots: we are all learning to talk to machines

They pop up when you are looking to make your first contact with a company. They may be a voice in...
3 min read 550

Do I Need A Technical Cofounder? A Guide For Startups

If you are asking the question then what you are fundamentally asking is about the kind of company you are building....
2 min read 315
Internet of Things IoT

Internet of Things and Clusit Report (part II)

There are basically five sectors that will benefit most, in terms of competitiveness, from IoT technology: – Industrial IoT (manufacturing, with...
3 min read 260
Ethical Blockchain

Who Really Uses Ethical Blockchain?

“Ethics or moral philosophy involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior. Ethics seeks to resolve questions of...
5 min read