
Socialism, crony capitalism and the prevalent disregard for individual...

The Factual realm of humanity Within the field of existence, humans fall within the category of most social-oriented habitants. For centuries...
14 min read 455

5 Changes to the Education Sector Caused by Big Data

Big data is poised to have a big impact on the education sector if it’s properly leveraged. It can provide numerous...
4 min read 338

ESG Investing Has a Data Problem — Here’s Why That Matters

Sustainable ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) investing requires, by its very definition, a robust and sensible approach. No investment that purports...
2 min read 490

Semantic shift

Societal engineering and the centuries-old neglected modern autocracy Everything we see, do, or feel has a meaning. Linguistically we need specific...
11 min read

On Robot Rights: Can Robots Be Enslaved?

Are people allowed to treat their robots anyhow they like? Can a person be “violent” to their robot? Should a robot...
2 min read

Decomposition versus the Grassroots attitude to healthcare problems

An intimate glance at the administrative prerogative The most characteristic trait of human nature is its problem-solving capability. Because, day in...
6 min read 314
Leadership perspective blog Norbert Biedrzycki

Leadership. It takes a wider perspective to win

Whether they want it or not, leaders are cogs in a fast-moving machine, which requires them to clip their claws regularly....
4 min read 359

Stop Whining and Start Requesting

“What you’re supposed to do when you don’t like a thing is change it. If you can’t change it, change the...
3 min read 281

Some Things Just Aren’t Worth It

“There are two types of habits: ones which comfort us, and ones which would be a comfort if we stopped.” –...
4 min read 468

Disease from China Goes Viral

Fitting for health scares, searing images depict people wearing masks. Not sure when the fast-spreading coronavirus will strike, those threatened know...
3 min read 708

Can Primary Care sustain Quality Healthcare for All?

A comparative analysis in the context of developed; and developing states Primary care medicine was established to provide essential treatment for...
8 min read 217

Influencers Perform in the Spotlight

Influencer marketing is a game of standing out. The result is a memorable — and credible — connection to a product...
5 min read 499