
Why Found A Startup During A Crisis? 4 Key Reasons

At Tau Ventures we have the privilege of interacting with dozens of entrepreneurs on a daily basis. Given our focus on...
2 min read 490
Rising tide lifts all boats

The rising tide that doesn’t lift all boats

Every day there is a major event that will move the markets. Trade wars, currency wars, oil wars, pandemics, depression levels...
3 min read 349

Could Machine Learning and NLP Have Predicted Oil’s Crash? The A...

A guide on how to combine Machine Learning and NLP to successfully predict the COVID-19 lead oil crash. On April 20th,...
5 min read

Who is gaslighting whom?

In the past, we would talk about confusing, deluding, brainwashing, or messing with someone’s mind. Polish speakers would talk about making...
7 min read 681

Millennials and Generation Z. A rented dress sounds sexier than a loan

As young consumers develop a preference for sharing or renting goods and services over purchasing, global business is confronted with an...
6 min read 180

Declining GDP, Skyrocketing National Debt, and a New Technology That C...

The financial wreckage that the COVID-19 crisis leaves behind will be devastating and long lasting. Already economists are debating whether the...
14 min read 385

How the NFL Encourages Fair Competition

The NFL shows how a closed market increases competition while a free market only works for a dominant minority The NFL...
2 min read 371
emergency fund, finance, strong, thrive

The greatest financial lesson from the current pandemic

The lockdown due to the current health crisis has impacted everyone mentally, physically and financially. However, the financial impact from the...
3 min read 542
Buybacks and infinite supply of money

Stock buybacks and why we all pay for them.

We entered 2020 on the back of record-high debt burdens, geopolitical tensions, elections and a climate war. Not even 3 months...
4 min read 415

Demographic Economics: Studying the Changing Patterns of Consumption a...

Fundamentally, a large part of the total income of an economy comprises the patterns of consumption and savings which is highly...
3 min read 564

Cash is king, more potent than we think

On March 12, 2020, on the eve of President Trump declaring COVID-19 a national emergency, the New York Times reported that...
8 min read

Crisis? 3 Ways VCs Adapt

There is a global crisis going on as I write this article. It’s not the first, it won’t be the last....
2 min read 217