
Working for Mental Health Creates Special Rewards

Employee recognition sounds good on its face, but can it be overdone or mishandled? Dr. Sajjad Fazel believes that’s possible, along...
7 min read 180
entrepreneur and unemployed - the difference

Entrepreneurs and Unemployed People: The Two are Shockingly Similar

Let’s just preface this whole thing with the fact that it started with a joke of a Venn diagram. One of...
5 min read

Workplace Must Support Mental Health

Rather than a benefit, a job might be hazardous to your mental health. That’s the proposition consultant, psychiatrist and mental health...
7 min read 355

How is Moore’s Law becoming irrelevant in the age of Quantum Computi...

Growing up in the late ’80s – early ’90s was an exciting time when household Computing was becoming the new trend...
3 min read

Why Corporations Embrace Renewable – It All Comes Down To Margin...

Historically, government policies imposing lower emissions have had little effect on companies to become greener. Since the first industrial revolution, fossil...
8 min read

LinkedIn Done Right is Almost Magic

Careers and LinkedIn often intertwine. Looking for a job? Are you on LinkedIn? The social media venue conjures up different reactions...
5 min read 599

AI And The Future Of The Streamlined Supply Chain

Bad deliveries drive away customers. In 2018, 84% of customers were unlikely to shop at the same retailer after a bad...
45 sec read 300

Artificial Intelligence and Whopping Paychecks: What’s the Deal?

New York City exclaims to be the capital booming industry in artificial intelligence. This city has a staggering 11% percentage of...
2 min read

Maximize Data by Keeping it Personal

Business owners who want to succeed should know how to leverage income using digital technology. Entrepreneurs don’t need to “speak” search...
3 min read 216

How a Small Business Owner Can Qualify for a Loan and Avoid Debt

If you are aspiring to be a small business owner, you know that financing a small business is no cakewalk. Your...
2 min read 183

Smart E-commerce Pricing Strategy Using Web Scraping

A failure story: Suppose you have 50 pairs of Thug life sunglasses which cost you $33 in total. Based on cost-based...
3 min read

The explosion of Unicorns on the Global Landscape

Googling a unicorn turns up a strange mythical animal in the shape of a horse with a straight horn coming out...
3 min read