
Well Planned Strategies

Well Planned Strategies Yield Best Returns

Today’s brands have learned to take customer behavior trends seriously. Successful businesses have well laid out strategies that get results. One...
2 min read 305

Why Every Organization Needs a Data Analyst

There is so much hype around the data scientist role these days that when a company needs a specialist to get...
3 min read
Return to Politics

Will Obama Return to Politics?

Former President Barack Obama is arguably the most popular living former president. Not only is he a global presence with a...
8 min read

Social Leadership Cries Out for Personal Touch

Even social media needs leaders to herd cats. One of those top cats is human leadership coach Gene Petrov, who helps...
4 min read 325
digital marketing

Data Tells the Tale of Digital Marketing

Social media changes the game when it comes to thinking about return on investment. Meanwhile, quantifying content and its effect can...
2 min read 196
Networking for success

Embracing Networking for Success in Business

As a business owner or entrepreneur, networking is vital in getting you more business leads, closing deals, and leveraging new business...
3 min read 559

A Fully Automated Economy–How Can It Work?

Imagine we go through the disruptive transition between an economy where we need to work to make a living, to one...
5 min read
New Chapters

Tragic Plot Twist Opens New Chapters

The aftermath of a major life-changing event — a tragedy — would not have been how Tim Lewis wanted to change...
3 min read 317
Live Streaming

Live Streaming Inspires Human Moments

Wondering what live streaming is all about, Jennifer Quinn researched the topic and got hooked. Also known as JennyQ, in a...
2 min read 407
How to Invest

How to Invest in Yourself and Your Business

I started planning for Lightning AI more than three years ago. I was working as a marketing manager, and every day...
3 min read 372

Sharpen Skills with Action and Attitude

Leadership is practiced in actions and attitude more than in words. Appreciate hard work, humility and empathy. At their core, relationships...
5 min read 374

Chronicle Fatigue Syndrome: Why News Saturation is More Dangerous than...

On July 17, 2014, Malaysian Airline flight MH-17 was shot down over Eastern Ukraine by a BUK surface-to-air missile killing all...
5 min read