“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which...
Money comes in. Money goes out. Bills, debt repayment, groceries, etc. After all that, how’s your saving strategy going? Many of...
It’s your lucky day! You meet a kind stranger who offers you your choice of a great deal, something for nothing....
Success comes from hammering away at your craft until other people take notice. And then keep doing it at a high...
Online shopping continues to grow as a percentage of overall sales and each major retailer and platform is looking for ways...
The IT sector has a skills shortage. In 2018 70% of tech employers said they expect a talent shortage. Cybersecurity is...
We have many desires in life. To be successful, rich, well-liked, healthy, respected, desired, attractive, and many more. For some people,...
I have always struggled to maintain a conventional job. You know, 9 to 5 in an office. Or set shifts at...
Thriving companies owe their success to customer service. This includes business-to-customer and business-to-business transactions. “It’s a topic that’s very close to...
Remember the widely circulated series of memes “What people think I do” a few years back? Well, one of the VC...
One of the most innate, yet rewarding idiosyncrasies of any primate is standing competitive. The perception of accomplishing the ample ahead...
How much do you charge for you? That’s a head-scratcher for startup and freelance entrepreneurs alike. What is reasonable? Is modesty...
“Ideas are a dime a dozen. People who implement them are priceless.” — Mary Kay Ash Isn’t this one of the...
I am the product of both developing and developed countries — my adult career in Silicon Valley has shaped a fundamental...
A coach can bring a boom to business. That puts a premium on hiring the right person. “If you want to...
“Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” ―George Washington Carver It’s nearly New...
Value = Valuation. Valuation -> Profits. Profits!= Profiteering. Are you a startup wondering about this sequence? Then you may want to...
When creating a website for your business, it is important to be familiar with the platform you are working on. Those...
It’s 2019, and we live in the most convenient time known to man. Hungry? Press a button and your favorite food...
Social networks feed off interactions among people. As connections grow, participants build confidence, and the entire system gathers strength. Timothy Macharia...
I decry the injustice of my wounds, only to look down and see that I am holding a smoking gun in...
Brand building never takes a holiday. Like it or not, someone always watches what you do professionally or personally. Your brand...
All great movies have few things in common. Same is true with all-important programs or projects. More importantly, there is so...
Successful businesses are built on effective stories. People love to see, read or hear stories. The tales create a human connection...
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