
small business

Beating Competitors in a Saturated Market

When you are launching and running a small business, the landscape can be fraught with obstacles. No amount of business studies...
3 min read 259

Startups And Saying No To A Large Investor

Hot startups are often thought of that way because of who is involved and how bold the idea is. And they...
2 min read 105

Wealth Creation Grows from Purpose

Money maven Patrice C. Washington wants people to keep their priorities straight. She urges everyone to chase purpose, not money. “Live...
5 min read
Dividend Aristocrats

3 High Quality Dividend Aristocrats For Long-Term Dividend Growth

Dividends are a big part of our investing philosophy, as research has shown that dividend growth stocks have significantly outperformed non-dividend...
4 min read

Marketers Rush to Rise on the AI Tide

Artificial intelligence is the wave of today and tomorrow, and content marketers are struggling not be left in its wake. Among...
3 min read 253
Self- Serve

Self-Serve: The Solution to Real-Time Connection

About a year ago, I had a lead named Ken come to our website and send a message on our chatbot...
2 min read 282
Social listening

Everyone Just Wants to be Heard

Two-way conversations come naturally between people. If not in person, friendships form online through talking and listening in particular. Entrepreneurs face...
3 min read 160

Prepare the Pitch of Your Life!

If you conduct some research, you’ll realize that there are many things that you can do to secure funding for your...
2 min read 169
Toxic Culture

A Very Real Taboo: Toxic Culture Threatens Everyone

Toxic cultures are diseases that feed from anything they touch, making productive work impossible. Such poisonous conditions harm any job environment...
4 min read 765
Good Content

Once is Never Enough for Good Content

What was old is new again. That’s the premise behind taking content posted weeks, months or years earlier and reviving it...
3 min read 441
Medium Best Stories

DDI – Medium Top Stories July, 2019

10 Best Stories From DDI Medium Publication in Tech, Finance, and Entrepreneurship July, 2019 How we 3D print your whole prescription...
34 sec read 613
Paid media

Brands Draw Attention with Paid Media

Paid media is the best way to make your target market aware that your brand exists. Besides brand awareness and exposure,...
2 min read 465