
What is Data Management?

In recent years, everyone talks about Big Data. We are always connected, so it is no mystery that the amount of...
4 min read 351
Rising tide lifts all boats

The rising tide that doesn’t lift all boats

Every day there is a major event that will move the markets. Trade wars, currency wars, oil wars, pandemics, depression levels...
3 min read 354

Could Machine Learning and NLP Have Predicted Oil’s Crash? The A...

A guide on how to combine Machine Learning and NLP to successfully predict the COVID-19 lead oil crash. On April 20th,...
5 min read

So A VC Passed On You? 4 Ways To Turn The As*Hole Into An Ally

At Tau Ventures we get 4-5 pitches a day, almost a 1000 a year, and end up investing in 3-4.  A...
2 min read 341

A Beginner’s Guide to Investing in a Downturn

Do you want to buy low and sell high? Let me tell you a secret. That’s exactly what hundreds of thousands...
6 min read 445

5 Important VC Insider Ideas You Need to Know

The market has changed but it’s still a great time for startups. Unlike the stock market, there is no daily ticker...
2 min read 327

Global Trends in Fintech Technology

Countries may have locked up their borders to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic, but local and international trade must go on. Innovations...
2 min read 621

Millennials and Generation Z. A rented dress sounds sexier than a loan

As young consumers develop a preference for sharing or renting goods and services over purchasing, global business is confronted with an...
6 min read 183

When Caution Becomes a Cage: A Case Study of Over-Regulation in Swiss ...

Regulation — it’s a metaphorical referee on the financial industry’s playing field, standing ready and willing to ensure that everyone in...
4 min read 151

Declining GDP, Skyrocketing National Debt, and a New Technology That C...

The financial wreckage that the COVID-19 crisis leaves behind will be devastating and long lasting. Already economists are debating whether the...
14 min read 404

Want A Good Acquisition? 5 Ways Startups Can Get A Win-Win

A crisis puts pressure on both slowing down and accelerating startup acquisitions. Slows down because many acquirers, especially corporates, become more...
3 min read 129

Turning Dollars into Dimes: Time-Tested Options Strategies for Losing ...

Creating great options strategies is a process of trial and error. This article is about those errors. Bad Strategy #1 — Selling Naked...
1 min read