
To Gain an Edge, Influencers Move Markets

Influencer marketing raises several questions: Not only what is it, but is it still a thing? Henny Mohenyi Maruapula adamantly affirms...
2 min read 120

The Ins and Outs of Stablecoins

According to a report from the crypto-wallet provider blockchain, the amount of stablecoin projects carried out within 2018 have skyrocketed. It...
4 min read 155

The Death of Discretionary Asset Management and Rise of Data-Driven In...

Data-driven services have made the active asset management industry experience a major shakeup, as these investment strategies (especially digital services) continue...
3 min read

Web Scraping and Hedge Funds’ Alternative Data Strategy

Data that was once hiding in plain sight can hide no more. With sophisticated software, new data continues to be extracted...
4 min read

Game changers in Financial markets this week

Let’s start off with reviewing the financial markets briefly before discussing the bigger & more meaningful moves. Cryptos which have had...
2 min read 419

What is a Target Date Fund & should you consider it for retirement...

Retirement planning is one of the key aspects of the Personal financial management which a lot of us conveniently procrastinate about...
2 min read 640

Budget Better to Build Bigger

Even the experts admit they are not perfect. On a scale of 1 to 10 for their budgeting, both Anthony Copeman...
4 min read 809

The Italian Story: Easy Math, Somewhat Complicated Economics, Extremel...

In recent weeks I have been covering the current Italian stalemate with the European Union regarding the Mediterranean country’s 2019 budget....
2 min read 243

Income Streams Start from Drips

It’s not the money you make. It’s the money you keep. That is Warwick Brown’s financial wisdom. An account management activist...
6 min read 707

Knowing the difference between Investing, Saving & Impact Investin...

Ever since I was a kid, the only good money management lessons that I learnt was from my parents. Even in...
1 min read 466

Thank You Tether, You’ve Made Us All Much More Cautious

Oh, Tether. It amazes me how projects or should I say, scams rather, as big as Tether manage to stay afloat...
1 min read 113

Advertising, Travel & the Blockchain

Adverts… the bane of our lives when trying to watch our favorite show or movie on TV. Intrusive, distracting and rapidly...
2 min read 110