
Best Resources to Learn Machine Learning and Apply It to Finance: Book...

In today’s technologically advanced world, we’re starting to turn to the machines we create to aid us. The algorithms designed by...
3 min read

A Complete Guide to Equity Research – Part 3

Equity Analysts Part 3: Trading Strategies with Analyst Forecasts In this third part of our series on equity analysts, we are...
2 min read 206

Hacking Disease and Death

To address urgent global challenges over the next fifteen years, the United Nations began implementing a transformative plan of action by...
2 min read 858

10 Alternatives to Google Finance Portfolio

Goodbye to comfortably checking relevant investment news and market movements, tracking your gains and losses in one portfolio on Google! Google...
4 min read

China – A Country of Superlatives

China’s economic resurgence, military might & leadership in technology – all within a short span of 30-40 years has been no...
3 min read

Unconditional Basic Income Is All Good, Despite What the Nay-Sayers Te...

I’m a little miffed. I read a lot of comments on social media and published articles about universal basic income. There...
9 min read 901

What is “Bitcoin halving” & its potential of powering...

Bitcoin halving sounds like a complex phenomenon at first reading, but it simply a process of reducing the mining rewards to...
2 min read

European Central Bank President: It’s the “How?” not the “Who?...

Synopsis: The President of the European Central Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi is set to step down later this year and the...
3 min read 188

A Complete Guide to Equity Research -Part 2

Equity Analyst Reports Part 2: The Necessary Evil In this second part of our examination of equity analyst reports, we are...
2 min read 860

Bitcoin is acting as the New hedge against the Global Liquidity Risk

What a relentless recovery has the Crypto kingpin Bitcoin staged in the past 10 weeks or so as it finally broke...
4 min read 784

Brexit Impact on Pound & UK Economy so far…

The never-ending saga of Brexit now has a new deadline – Oct. 31, 2019 by which the Brits have to decide...
2 min read 832

Trading Idea of the Week: The Carry Trade (Part 1 of 2)

As traders and investors, we know that certain events trigger market-wide volatility much more than others. Interest rate decisions by countries...
1 min read 719