
medicine, personalized healthcare

It takes a village to take care of a patient

A Liberated village; or a Feudal dominion The Village of Healthcare must be personal and grassroots Most of us are familiar...
15 min read

What Happens Next?

“What happens next?  You know, once all of this is over?” my friend asked. “There will be a new normal, but...
4 min read 227

How Startups Can Help Fix Our Broken Healthcare Infrastructure —...

A pandemic exposes the flaws in our society, healthcare very much included. While meaningful improvements require all 5 Ps — Payors,...
2 min read 392
emergency fund, finance, strong, thrive

The greatest financial lesson from the current pandemic

The lockdown due to the current health crisis has impacted everyone mentally, physically and financially. However, the financial impact from the...
3 min read 561
COVID-19, Coronavirus

COVID-19 crisis: From Neo-populist Rhetoric to Globalist instrument

The coronavirus pandemic is the epitome of a natural disaster. Indisputably, unlike many other expected adversities, the COVID-19 crisis could have been...
20 min read

Three Amazing Ways Technology Can Diagnose Coronavirus

The Coronavirus Virus or Virion as biologists know it is only about 200 nanometers in diameter and it is spreading across...
2 min read 154

Cannabinoids and The Search For A Cure To Advanced Cancer Pain

Cancer pain can have a devastating impact on the quality of life of patients. Out of the 6.6 million cancer-related deaths...
4 min read 367
corporate medicine

21-st century Corporate medicine and the surge of Neo-Feudalism

Neo-feudalism, or the modern feudal ideology, is growing influential and widespread worldwide. Today neo-feudalism represents the epitome of the contemporary resurgence...
16 min read

5 Steps to Communicating in a Crisis

The ground underneath many businesses and organizations is shifting daily due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With it comes new challenges (and...
3 min read
COVID, Vaccine

Anti-vaxxers take-home message from Coronavirus

The vaccine is a biological agent designed to produce actively acquired resistance to a specific infectious agent. It characteristically comprises a...
11 min read 424

Patient empowerment cannot be without physician empowerment.

Power as an individual trait Power is authority lent to an individual or earned by someone to carry out a task....
12 min read 471

Crisis? 5 Principles For Startups To Still Raise Seed

This is Part II of a series, Part I was Crisis? 3 Ways VCs Adapt. There is a global crisis going...
2 min read 101