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app development

Privacy Guidelines, about app development

A fine of two hundred thousand euros that the Norwegian Privacy Authority, the DPA, has imposed on a local reality, for...
2 min read 151

Why Communications is Critical to Pivoting Your Business

Like many of you, I’ve been a lot of Zoom meetings these last few weeks discussing how to pivot your business...
2 min read 302

Global Trends in Fintech Technology

Countries may have locked up their borders to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic, but local and international trade must go on. Innovations...
2 min read 571

Who is gaslighting whom?

In the past, we would talk about confusing, deluding, brainwashing, or messing with someone’s mind. Polish speakers would talk about making...
7 min read 678

Millennials and Generation Z. A rented dress sounds sexier than a loan

As young consumers develop a preference for sharing or renting goods and services over purchasing, global business is confronted with an...
6 min read 179

When Caution Becomes a Cage: A Case Study of Over-Regulation in Swiss ...

Regulation — it’s a metaphorical referee on the financial industry’s playing field, standing ready and willing to ensure that everyone in...
4 min read 142