

AI will make studying much more efficient. And a hell. When you think about it for only a minute, it will...
8 min read 530
Artificial Intelligence

5 Critical Success Factors for AI Projects

With more users getting on to the internet, there’s a noticeable rise in searches for growth prospects. And one such bubble...
3 min read

Time We Talked to Our Machines

We talk to our machines more and more often: the smartphones, computers and digital assistants on our desks. Are keyboards, and...
4 min read 116

Alexa, Tell Me Where You’re Going Next

While there have been occasions where customers have had trust issues with Amazon’s Alexa, virtual assistants like that one (and others)...
1 min read 298

AI: Future Health’s Lubricant

Skin cancer and virtual shrinks. Depression and Instagram. Where would we be without AI? Skin cancer is one of the most...
6 min read 523
Conversation Designing

What Indian Traffic has in Common with Conversation Designing

Indians and traffic jams have a close relationship with each other. To Indians on a busy street, traffic feels like a...
4 min read 991

Healthcare, Personalized Care And Us: How Are We Doing?

The concept of value in healthcare is really complicated with so many stakeholders associated with it. Do the political and 3rd...
3 min read 421
Artificial Superintelligence

Should We Fear Artificial Superintelligence? A Response

February 23, 2019 John Loeffler posted an interesting article on The post is called “Should We Fear Artificial Superintelligence?”, and...
3 min read 359

Watch Out for the 9 Most Popular AI Jobs in 2020

If you are ready to learn, retrain, reskill and upscale then AI is a field with tremendous opportunities for you. However,...
3 min read

Marketers Rush to Rise on the AI Tide

Artificial intelligence is the wave of today and tomorrow, and content marketers are struggling not be left in its wake. Among...
3 min read 246

How AI Models Will Lengthen the Human Lifespan

How long do you think you’ll live? Your answer is probably between 70 and 100 years old. What if I told...
2 min read 930

Superhuman AI Is Not a Myth

Most readers of Data Driven Investor will, I suspect, have heard of Artificial Superintelligence: a future Artificial Intelligence that is (much)...
4 min read