
How to survive a digital tsunami?

The digital “disruption” doesn’t mean you need to radically transform your business. Becoming another Google, Amazon or Facebook is not your...
4 min read 377

CRM Data Management: Six Best Practices to Improve Data Quality

Not satisfied with your CRM data-quality? Check out these data improving practices to enhance your CRM data management and quality. For...
3 min read 503

First Rule of Data: Don’t Talk About Data

Fight Club knew the rules. Shame data doesn’t.  The easy way out is to point the finger at something you don’t...
3 min read 285

Amazon’s fundamental weakness that Bezos can turn into a strength

As brick & mortar retailers file bankruptcy, the plight of small manufacturers becomes much more perilous. They won’t be able to...
6 min read 344

5 Powerful Ways to Increase Sales by Leveraging Data Effectively

If you’re interested in increasing sales, utilizing the power of data could be the right move. Here are 5 ways to...
3 min read 604

2020’s Regulatory Impacts & Our Innovation and Regulation Wishl...

Joann Barefoot of Alliance for Innovative Regulation and Jason Henrichs of Alloy Labs Alliance join Dara Tarkowski to discuss innovation and...
5 min read 272
Man standing next to productivity drawing

Digital leaders want to build the best experience

Turbulent times call for leadership. That especially applies in a digital world with constant change and transformation. Solo entrepreneurs and big...
8 min read 158

Relationship banking – Advice from an ex-banker

I used to be a bank executive. Ever since then I have always maintained solid relationships with my banks, the ones...
5 min read 356

The whole is more of the sum of its parts. How to grow big keeping the...

A circular data economy creates a corporate advantage for the entire ecosystem. What to consider when acquiring or divesting, no matter...
7 min read 122

Are REITs Overrated?

In this article, my goal is to provide readers a framework to analyze real estate investment trusts in today’s day and...
6 min read 315

How Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Changing the Face of ...

The eCommerce development company, nowadays, integrating advancement to take customer experience to the next level. Talking about high-end technology, there is...
3 min read 847

How to Thrive in the Covid-19 Recession by Going Digital Using SCENARI...

What if going digital was the antidote to avoid the Covid-19 bankruptcies? With one million deaths, thirty-eight million infected, hundreds of millions lost...
11 min read 330