
“Degenerative” AI?

These days, I respond to hearing “generative AI” with a bit of an eye roll. The smart ass in me thinks:...
4 min read 197

Data Reliability in Air Quality Monitoring

Air quality monitoring has become increasingly important in today’s world, where the impact of pollution on health and the environment is...
3 min read 195
Payment Security

5 Reasons Why Modern Checkout Technologies Could Improve Payment Secur...

In an era of one-point payments, checkout technologies are constantly evolving to facilitate on-the-go transactions and a fast-paced checkout process. As...
2 min read 168

In Search of a Major Technological Breakthrough. Part II. Reinventing ...

One of the signs that the rate of technological progress has been falling is our recent fascination with such seemingly “revolutionary”...
6 min read 216
Vegas to Wall Street: Luck, Lies, and Loss

Vegas to Wall Street: Luck, Lies, and Loss

I: The Greatest Run In History Archie Karas was slouched over a bar at the Bellagio, nursing a whiskey and a...
6 min read 213
green and black rope

Machine Learning and Sports: Data Science’s Best Example of a Cl...

As a budding data scientist and incoming MS candidate at the University of Chicago studying Applied Data Science, I wanted to...
3 min read 225
Minimalistic image of a green elephant made entirely of chains and locks.

Rattle That Lock: Nature’s Keys to Resilient Supply Chains

Unlock supply chain resilience by learning from nature’s ecosystems. Discover strategies for diversity, modularity, and adaptive feedback to enhance flexibility Supply...
3 min read 157

What is Grounding and Why Has It Become So Popular?

If you haven’t heard about grounding and the many benefits it offers, you should love this brief article. This simple change...
5 min read 195

5 Ways Generative AI is Transforming the Payments Ecosystem

The generative AI boom is set to accelerate digital transformation throughout a range of industries and breathe fresh life into a...
3 min read 212

In Search of a Major Technological Breakthrough. Part I. Degrowth: The...

Since 1971 we have been living in an age of price mega revolution with the average annual rates of inflation reaching...
4 min read 178

Why We Invested In Handl — Healthcare Price Transparency

Excited to be investing in the $2.5M seed of Handl Health alongside Mucker and Everywhere, their official announcement is here. Tau...
1 min read 208
Image Source: iStock. Nature and technology abstract concept, robot hand and natural hand covered with grass reaching to each other stock photo

The Dichotomy With AI for Climate Change

UN Secretary-General António Guterres We need a race to develop AI for good:  to develop AI that… supercharge climate action [...
4 min read 252