
How is Artificial Intelligence (AI) used in Healthcare for better outc...

Artificial Intelligence has made major strides in recent years. It has found application is different industrial verticals and businesses. It has...
3 min read 582

What’s the Difference Between AI and Machine Learning?

There is a lot of excitement behind these two topics, so this serves as a quick guide on what they are...
3 min read 423

Elbow Method – Metric Which helps in deciding the value of k in ...

Here in this article, I am going to explain the information about the method, which is helping in deciding the value...
2 min read

Wearables. How about An Electronic Coat?

Ever wanted to monitor your heart rhythm, track your brain activity while you sleep or track your calorie burn while jogging?...
5 min read 155

Startups And The Series A1 Trap

Hit the magical $1M ARR a year after your A but not so sure if you should be raising a B?...
2 min read

2020 White House Guidelines on AI Technologies

On January 7, 2020, the White House issued a long-awaited set of guidelines in a draft memorandum, entitled “Guidance for Regulation...
2 min read 261

Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for Investing

Have you considered diversifying your investment portfolio? Of course you have. Have you considered diversifying the tools you use for investing?...
4 min read

Mobile App Development Trends to Follow in 2020

There is no denying in the fact that Smartphones are transforming operating models, business models, and marketplaces at a surprising rate....
4 min read 990

What Mobile Banking Means for the Digital Economy?

Everyone talks about “fintech.” But, fintech is nothing more than clever applications of financial technology to solve problems for consumers and...
3 min read 540

The Future of Humanity is Genetic Engineering and Neural Implants

SXSW the leading tech, music, and film festival is on March 13–22nd 2020. It will feature talks on cutting edge technology...
5 min read

A Lesson Doctors Must Learn From Lawyers!

The contemporary world is in the midst of technological upheaval. Millennials’ reliance on the tech industry is overwhelmingly liberating to those...
8 min read 392

How Can Health Startups Best Monetize Data?

The Data Explosion is real — we are not only producing more data than ever before, we are also producing it...
2 min read 685