
Facebook’s Cryptocurrency Will Challenge The Global Financial Establ...

The news about Facebook’s cryptocurrency called the Libra coin is generating a lot of buzz. The stories are mixed, with some...
10 min read 351

What is “Bitcoin halving” & its potential of powering...

Bitcoin halving sounds like a complex phenomenon at first reading, but it simply a process of reducing the mining rewards to...
2 min read

The Age of Transcendence

Hollywood movies have always been good at providing a glimpse into the future – be it space travel, advanced scientific discoveries...
2 min read

Bitcoin is acting as the New hedge against the Global Liquidity Risk

What a relentless recovery has the Crypto kingpin Bitcoin staged in the past 10 weeks or so as it finally broke...
4 min read 784

Tech Diaries: What is all the fuss about Deepfakes?

The main story of this edition of the Tech Diaries is the Deepfakes issue that has gotten the U.S Congress freaking...
3 min read

Tear Down This Paywall: Lumi Wallet free EOS account giveaway

Lumi Wallet takes another step towards becoming the premier wallet for the EOS blockchain, celebrating the recent adoption of a new...
1 min read 974

Crypto Diaries: Facebook reveals the White paper for its stable coin L...

The announcement by the social media giant Facebook to launch its own native digital token dubbed as ‘Libra‘ as per the...
3 min read

Digital Transformation is About Better Decisions

In this fast-paced digital world, connecting with, knowing and understanding your audience is invaluable to business decision making. That’s the message...
2 min read 521

Will the Big Banks be able to hold up against the Fintech challenge?

The legacy financial services are trying desperately to gain a competitive edge over the innovative Fintechs. Despite having all the traditional...
2 min read 921

Can You Still Make Money With Blockchain?

We’ve all heard of Bitcoin, the first developed digital currency that allowed decentralization, and the great impact it created in the...
46 sec read 705

6 Charts showing the Stable Coins rise & China’s dominance ...

Some of the most recent reports on Cryptocurrency trading volume have concluded that most of the demand is coming from the...
2 min read 910

What is the ‘oracle problem’ & how does Chainlink sol...

Cryptoverse is usually buzzing with new words which are usually difficult to decipher for a non-technical person. Even somebody like me,...
2 min read