
Ethical Robots Are a Naive Illusion for Programmers?

Ethics programmed into robots may not solve the problems we face at work, in healthcare, or in wartime. The relations between rhetoric...
5 min read 217

How Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Changing the Face of ...

The eCommerce development company, nowadays, integrating advancement to take customer experience to the next level. Talking about high-end technology, there is...
3 min read 874

How To Choose Your First Techstack

So many frameworks, with so little time. Save yourself the trouble and choose! For all these years in the tech industry....
5 min read 267

Building Sustainable Circular Economy With Blockchain

Since the industrial revolution began, the world has focused on the production and consumption of products. Little or no attention is...
5 min read 556

How I Dramatically Increased Body Awareness Using Technology

What is the biggest challenge of yoga practice? Is it developing muscle strength, or flexibility, or the stamina to stay in...
8 min read 276

Impermanent Loss In DeFi — The Risks Involved In Providing Liquidity

The impermanent loss also called divergent loss, is the difference between when you are holding tokens in an AMM (Automated Market Maker) Liquidity Pool and just...
4 min read

AI Test Proctoring Has Social Bias and Students’ Grading Suffer...

Technology cannot solve every problem we throw at it, and test proctoring is just one of the ones in the crosshairs....
3 min read 319
Assorted blue cubes

Artificial Intelligence, Leadership, and Talent Management

Artificial intelligence is transforming the talent management game—from recruiting to team building to succession planning. AI is also proving to be...
3 min read 340

Healthcare Too Cheap to Meter

“When the apocalypse comes, everyone will be on their own to buy healthcare.” Dave “ePatient” DeBronkart dropped this casually into a phone...
6 min read 323

Personhood for Robots Will Destroy the Economy and Jobs or Will It?

Robots won’t be tax-paying, and they will eliminate jobs and create a great need for re-training out-of-work humans. Who will train...
4 min read 222

Why Fintech Industry Needs To Leverage Blockchain – 6 Uses Cases...

Blockchain is considered to be a revolutionary technology known for a decentralized database. Ever since it was introduced as the backing...
3 min read 412

How to Build a Martian Economy

Step aside science nerds, an economist needs to say something… To some, colonizing Mars is an exciting future to look forward...
6 min read 424