
Deep Tech Dive #9 | Maciej Rudziński CEO of Brainattach

Unlocking The Brain Through Gaming For this Deep Tech Dive, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Maciej Rudziński, CEO...
10 min read 154

AI in Talent Management as a Competitive Advantage for Companies

CEOs recognize that “talent risk” is the number one threat, according to the KPMG 2020 report. Losing key employees and attracting...
4 min read 313

Mining for Opportunity: A New Way to Invest in Crypto

Dara and Randy Rivera of FinTEx talk to Jimmy Odom, co-founder of Bit Capital Group, to discuss crypto markets and Qualified...
5 min read 751

Are You Putting Digital Lipstick on Your Legacy Pig?

There’s more to building a digital company than using the word ‘digital’. How about this for the most boring opening sentence...
5 min read 328
Person typing on a laptop.

Effective SEO Tells Everyone How Well You Connect With People

Search engine optimization begins and ends with quality content writing. That makes SEO a central element for social media marketing and...
3 min read 168

Machine’s Self-Reflection

AI may develop new, unknown modes of self-reflection. The history of studies on the human consciousness goes back dozens of years,...
5 min read 415

Five Common Obstacles in AI Adoption

Artificial intelligence (AI) is making inroads into growing number of industries at every size and scale. Enterprise are reaping the benefits...
3 min read 254

Why “AI/ML” Will Land Me in Jail, and My Other Pet Peeves

I joke quite a bit about how I am annoyed by a lot of things. I do have a lot of...
3 min read 249

No Needles? The Breakthrough Innovation Of Measuring Blood Sugar Non-I...

BBC Nov 19, 2018: Google halts glucose-sensing contact lens project Engadget Jan 12, 2021: Startup claims its new wearable can monitor...
2 min read 557

Attaining Sustainable Development Goals – Thanks to Artificial I...

Sustainable Development Goals are set to be achieved at a global level with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning...
2 min read 260

The Future of Real Estate After Covid-19

As the United States slowly emerges from our Coronavirus nightmare, many industries look quite different than they did before we entered...
2 min read 279

A Lazy Man’s Guide to Data Driven Investing

Recently, I’ve read Dr Justin Chan’s piece on Data Driven Investing. I found it quite interesting and eye opening: A Big Data intelligence firm...
9 min read 502