
Is it Worth Pursuing a Career in Data Science & Artificial Intell...

Transitioning into data science or an artificial intelligence career is a hard nut to crack. And it is not because of...
2 min read 883

Why did the Tech hub of San Francisco ban Facial Recognition?

To put it simply… the fledgling technology is “Racist.” Not the best course of action for the tech hub city as...
2 min read 367

What do your digital devices know about you & more…

The Whole Purpose of Education is to turn Mirrors into Windows – Sydney D. Harris  Look through those Windows as gateways...
38 sec read 153

Linear Discriminant Analysis in the Financial Market

When it comes to finance, every investor wants to make sure they are putting their money in the right places. The...
2 min read
artificial intelligence

The Employment-Based Economy WILL Soon Fail: What Can We do to Avoid D...

Let’s look at what we know for sure: Artificial intelligence (AI) will soon surpass human ability to complete complex tasks. Right...
4 min read 466

Crypto Diaries: Blockchain upgrades & Trading innovations

The past week saw the Cryptos reaching new highs as the recovery from the lows of Dec. 2018 continued. Leading the...
3 min read 135

When to Rebuild a Software from Scratch?

Software development influencer Joel Spolsky specifically forbade rebuilding software from scratch. He called doing so, “the single worst strategic mistake that...
4 min read

What are Security Tokens? – An Overview of STO

If you are somewhat familiar with the world of blockchain, you might have noticed in the last few months a great...
3 min read 411
App Development

What’s Ahead for App Development in 2019

Legendary hockey coach Herb Brooks memorably said that “great moments are born from great opportunity.” When it comes to the immediate...
1 min read 691

AI And The Future Of The Streamlined Supply Chain

Bad deliveries drive away customers. In 2018, 84% of customers were unlikely to shop at the same retailer after a bad...
45 sec read 289

Identifying Disaster-related Tweets using NLP

Identifying disaster-related tweets using deep learning and natural language processing with Fast Ai I’m still taking the Fast Ai course and can’t...
4 min read

Bitcoin supercharges the current bull run in Cryptos

If April showed the light at the end of the tunnel for the prolonged downturn in Cryptocurrencies, May has propelled the...
4 min read 238