
Is AI Technology Outpacing the Law?

New technology often presents exciting possibilities. Whether there’s potential for new discoveries about our universe, or it simply makes our day-to-day...
3 min read 433

Observations on Token Derivatives – Part Two

In Part 2, we continue discussing how to use the MOVE Contract by understanding how does the buyer operate. Further, we...
3 min read 537

Updated Patent system in China: the PAO

The very recent economic and trade agreements, as well as political ones, between American President Donald Trump and the Chinese Government,...
2 min read 121

How an AI-based Chatbot Can Help You Form Better Long-Term Habits

When we think about our everyday behaviors, we often do not realize, how big is the percentage of the actions we...
3 min read 317

AI Startups + Fundraising = What Are The Metrics?

What do I need to show in order to raise my next round? All entrepreneurs face that question at some point...
2 min read 770

Latin American Cloud Battlefield: Tech Giants Fighting in Public and P...

No doubt about that Cloud computing is leading in recent years the innovation in the tech industry. From the high-powered new...
2 min read 315

Observations on Token Derivatives – Part One

In Part 1, we introduce FTX’s MOVE Contract with profit and loss visualisation, and how to use the MOVE Contract. Derivatives...
5 min read 411
DDI Machines labor jabs blog

Will Artificial Intelligence save the labor market?

To show that the question in the title can be answered affirmatively, I am going to explore the way smart technologies...
3 min read 119

Why Are Startups Taking Longer Than Ever To Go Public?

Technology startups since the past decade are staying private for much longer. During the dot-com boom (and bust) of the 2000s,...
2 min read 418

How Blockchain Will Drive Retail Industry?

The current technologies and their trends are all set to disrupt how we function, automate all the tasks, and improve the...
4 min read 644

What Apps Make the Best Use of Geolocation Services?

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase geolocation services? Probably, Google Maps. But there are dozens of ways geolocation...
3 min read

Can Primary Care sustain Quality Healthcare for All?

A comparative analysis in the context of developed; and developing states Primary care medicine was established to provide essential treatment for...
8 min read 201