
Blockchain Home Equity Loans Now a Reality

On September 5, 2019, Caliber Home Loans – a leading American mortgage company, became the first creditor outside of Figure (the...
2 min read 487

CCPA 2020: An Ultimate Guide and its Impact on U.S Companies

CCPA, California Consumer Privacy Act passed in late June 2018. AB 375, that could have more reverberations on the US companies...
3 min read 352

Turbulent Times at Boeing

Boeing has had a turbulent second and third quarter this year. It was related to the worldwide grounding of the Boeing...
17 min read

Chatbot 101

In this article, I’m going to talk about the basic things you need to know before you get your hands dirty...
3 min read 279

3 Reasons Why NLP Matters

“Each year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that depression affects over 300 million people, with nearly 800,000 suicides. This could...
3 min read 418
autonomous cars

Your Next Car: Your Next Smartphone – On Wheels

With Ai Progressing we are heading for the iPhone moment for cars When the iPhone was launched in 2007 it turned...
6 min read 263

Tech Attacks Bias, But Not Totally

No matter how good the technology, as long as humans are involved with the data, bias creeps into hiring and retention....
2 min read 294

7 Use Cases for Blockchain-based Crowdfunding

Startups from around the world have found crowdfunding to be an extremely viable alternative to traditional venture capital. To date, crowdfunding...
4 min read
crypto market

An Observation on Crypto Cycles: Is there still a Future for the Token...

We review the crypto market over the past 6 months and analyzed the alteration of the market sentiment from optimism to...
4 min read 323

How Private Investigators Use Technology to Track You

Private investigators have gotten a hell of a lot better at merely snapping pictures of you at the mall. In modern...
2 min read 836

Don’t Confuse Digital Transformation, Digital Disruption with Di...

We currently live in the era of digitization, digital transformation, and digital disruption. All of them are three terms which we...
1 min read 846

Work Begins on Java 14 as Java 13 Set to Launch

With Java 13 ready to go live on September 17, 2019, an even more exciting development for tech firms has begun...
2 min read 359