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3 Things That Make a Great Career

With the rise of strategies like quiet quitting, it is clear that work-life balance and career quality are becoming even more...
4 min read 330

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Failing Upward

It’s where you land that counts. I’ve failed at several businesses in multiple industries: academia, advertising, real estate, as co-founder of...
5 min read 241

Supply Chain Planning and Clinical Trials Adaptive Design

It is time for cheaper, faster, more granular, and more precise clinical trials Discovering new drugs, repurposing or repositioning existing ones, and...
2 min read 169

Steps to Electromobility in California

Ground-Breaking Decision in California California air regulators decided last week to ban the sales of new gasoline cars from 2035. This...
4 min read 253

Finally, Fed Chair Powell gets it right

Now, he finally says the Fed is ready to take “forceful and rapid” action.  If he had said that in March...
1 min read 172

Medicare / Medicaid / Advantage — Where Are The Opportunities Fo...

Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare Advantage. The words often get thrown around and are mixed with generalized association of government social programs for...
2 min read 367