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Andrew Ng Is Wrong About Artificial Superintelligence

Worrying about AI evil superintelligence today is like worrying about overpopulation on the planet Mars. We haven’t even landed on the...
4 min read

How To Take Control Of Where Your Federal Taxes Dollars Are Spent

Frustration over lack of input into where your tax money goes is as great, if not greater, than having to pay...
1 min read 190
Woman sitting behind a laptop.

Artificial intelligence brings us back to the human touch

With work teams scattered at homes and elsewhere, staying connected has taken on greater importance.  “The pandemic forced us to digitally...
3 min read 203

4 Key Habits I Learned as a Software Engineer

Somethings better to know sooner than later, here are the 4 key habits I learned as a software engineer. I am...
3 min read 269

SAFE: Great (Esp For Entrepreneurs), As Long As Done Safely

Simple Agreement for Future Equity, or SAFE, is an increasingly popular instrument for fundraising especially at the earliest stages of a...
2 min read 177

The 5 Best Weapons To Manage the Future

2020 — the Great Swift — The best is yet to come “A life devoted only to the present — to...
6 min read 254