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Algorithms prejudices Norbert Biedrzycki blog

How could algorithms put individuals and communities in harm’s way?

As distant and aloof as mathematical equations may seem, they are also commonly associated with reliable, hard science. Every now and...
4 min read 210

Are we having a dress rehearsal for a police state?

In his syndicated column, Dennis Prager claims that we are amid a dress rehearsal for a police state. He alleges that...
6 min read 359

On Privacy by Design

We are living in an era dominated by technological advances and digital innovation. With respect to data, these advances have paved...
6 min read 393

Intel Corporation, Chips & Cars: Strategic Analysis

What’s Going On? Is Intel Crazy? Why did Intel acquire Mobileye and Moovit? What a chip maker has to do with...
5 min read

How To Truly Measure A Venture Capitalist’s Performance?

Wall Street Journal: Andreessen Horowitz’s Returns Trail Venture-Capital Elite TechCrunch: AngelList wants to improve comparing VC fund performance with new metrics...
2 min read 979

3 Real Scary Technologies In Star Trek Discovery

In 2017, Star Trek made an aggressive trek back onto the screen with the release of Star Trek: Discovery. The show...
3 min read 323