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Who is looking after the quality of your analytics?

We talk a lot about using analytics to improve the quality of something else. But when was the last time you...
6 min read 265

Medicine, Paperwork And How Startups Can Help

If images speak a thousand words the following ones will illustrate the point resoundingly. A) We spend more on healthcare as...
1 min read 135

The Media Giants Fighting For Your Attention

Discovery Inc. Like most major media companies, Discovery Inc bring in most of the revenue from advertising. In 2020 the company...
1 min read 138

What is a Low Carbon Transformation? Measuring Success (Part VIII)

Global warming and climate change are challenging problems that present a risk to our survival on earth. If humanity is going...
5 min read 187

How to Imagineer Your Dream Life with a Financial Advisor

Thinking back to the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020 most of us look at this highly volatile period...
7 min read 556

We Believe the Slaughter of Innocents Is Just

We believe the slaughter of innocents is just. We watch as people is stripped of their human rights and dignity, subjected...
6 min read 282