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Blockchain: Disruptive Innovation for Defence Transformation

The opportunities for Blockchain technology to transform defense capabilities. Introduction Blockchain is regarded by some technologists as the most important invention...
9 min read 675
fan of 100 U.S. dollar banknotes

Here is How To Be a Billionaire

From The Perspective of a Data Scientist Introduction That is the million dollars question, right? Even if the headline looks cheeky,...
2 min read 564

A Lottery Ticket to the “Green World”: A Deeper Look into the “G...

The transition towards a “green economy” has so often been discussed recently at all levels that one would imagine it is...
10 min read 422

Why We Invested In AmplifyMD — Virtual Specialist Healthcare

AmplifyMD is a platform for all specialty needs: it connects. Excited to be investors alongside F Prime (Fidelity), Greylock and Forerunner...
2 min read 363

It is Not Enough to Say that Countries Must Become Sustainable…

…We Need to Make It Happen as Well It is easy to say that governments and companies need to invest more...
4 min read 241

Intersectionality Is The Future of ESG: Empowering Sustainable Generat...

More than two years later, the markets continue to show that the most successful businesses that have addressed the challenges of...
6 min read 649