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Why are we talking about pivots?

Being adaptable is more important and long lasting for success. Here are eight steps to be a more adaptable person and...
4 min read 394

How the NFL Encourages Fair Competition

The NFL shows how a closed market increases competition while a free market only works for a dominant minority The NFL...
2 min read 367

Can AI be fooled?

The prospect of computers being able to view the world as humans has been a subject of increasing interest in the...
2 min read 298

Defining ‘Life’ in the Time of COVID-19

My wife and I are approaching a month of self-imposed isolation to avoid getting the coronavirus. We are both over 70...
4 min read 155

Love the Language and the Best Writer in You Will Show Up

It’s not the content, it’s your passion for the words that counts. There are seven ways to succeed but only two ways...
2 min read 149

Staying Fit in Exceptional Times

We live in times like no other. The third of the world population is on lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic....
5 min read 438