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Mentoring sucks

I know that is a strong statement; quit reading if you disagree, it’s about to get worse. This is how someone...
3 min read 249

Customer Behavior leading to Disruptive trends

As the world is reaping the benefits of the fourth industrial revolution, disruptive technology is also evolving into it finest stage....
3 min read 304

The Lowest Cost & Most Effective Path to Better Cybersecurity

The best and most overlooked action for robust cybersecurity might be the least expensive. Among the many challenges organizations face in...
3 min read 362

Futuristic Tech: Neuralink Update

On August 28, Elon Musk provided a progress update for his company, Neuralink, which is aiming to create implantable Brain-Computer Interfaces...
3 min read 866

The lesson Americans should never learn

Americans should never learn the lesson that Annie Lowrey advocates for in her article titled “The Lesson Americans Never Learn,” recently...
4 min read 349

Top Rules for Startup Founders

When setting up a company, most founders are so focused on getting the business off the ground, that they can easily...
5 min read 440