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GPT-3 writes like a writer, programs like a programmer, and can be ...

In July 2021, the tech industry commented on GPT-3’s abilities, which amazed both programmers and writing professionals. Their raves on the...
5 min read 533

Living in Denial with Indifference to Others

Using vaccines to prevent disease is not new, and neither is opposition and fear to being vaccinated. Republicans decided to use...
5 min read

Facebook and Google Love Stock Buybacks

They generate huge amounts of free cash flow and use the most of this to reduce their share counts — to...
3 min read 433

Digital Health 2.0? The Next Generation Of Startup Business Models

At Tau Ventures, these are three principles we continue holding as generally true: i) In healthcare typical sales cycle to get...
2 min read 391

Sex, Tech and Money: The Rise (and Future) of Sextech

Healthy Pleasure Group CEO and venture capitalist Dominnique Karetsos discusses what’s new and what’s next in sextech. Sex is a universal...
6 min read

Artificial intelligence: Five stories about algorithms hitting the wal...

Two narratives have changed the perception of AI in recent years. One was that of bewilderment over new opportunities. The other...
5 min read 332