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Bringing DeFi Speed to Private Funds

DeFi is bringing new excitement to the old idea of cooperative ownership. Customers get tokens, earn fees, and vote on decisions....
4 min read 256

The 3 Fastest Rising Startup Digital Fitness Companies

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced people around the globe to seek solutions and alternatives to activities they enjoyed with impunity before...
3 min read 846

Is Our House On Fire?

Exploring Future Scenarios with the Changing Climate The growing number of high-intensity acute physical hazards like wildfires and floods have been...
7 min read 243

Collapsing the Superposition: The Mathematics of Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is one of the most exciting emerging technologies, especially with Google’s Sycamore quantum processor demonstrating supremacy in October of 2019. Quantum...
5 min read

Is There a Correlation Between Tax Cuts and Tax Revenues?

The other day on a Facebook thread, I was trying in vain to make the point with a group of recently...
3 min read 287

Blockchain Will Transform the Way Banking Apps Work

Every industry nowadays is propelled by the massive adoption of new technologies and digitization. It gives us the perfect picture of...
4 min read 235