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Highway through desert leading to mountains

How to bounce back to even greater success

One of today’s entrepreneurship catch phrases is resiliency. How well can businesses bounce back from tsunamis of economic disasters?  Melissa Lamson,...
3 min read 282

Is the Coronavirus pandemic reshaping blockchain and how can the tech ...

The current coronavirus pandemic has significantly affected aspects of the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. Industry events such as crypto conferences have...
2 min read 239

Business without borders: how to go global?

However, just a few entrepreneurs realize that scaling is not just a new profitable market but also a tremendous job, which...
5 min read 396

The Next Era of Tech

Quantum Computing. It seems like that is the BIGGEST buzzword after artificial intelligence. However, a lot of the resources I used...
4 min read 865

Is this the time to change the systems that underpin society?

Be the change that you wish to see in the world ~ Mahatma Gandhi Firstly, I want to thank the The5CsofBusiness, who...
5 min read 280

I am a Baby Boomer, and this is the story of how my generation let the...

Featuring The Maine Capital Corporation of 1976 Established in the wake of a newly centralized United States Economy, Legal status disclosure:...
27 min read 482