All Stories

Raising A Startup Round? How And When To Share Fundraising Updates

How long does it take to raise capital? Why am I not getting term sheets when other companies are? Is that...
3 min read

Where Are All the Trillionaires?

Recently, I accidentally clicked on an ad while trying to read a story on the internet. “It’s easy with my proven...
3 min read 335

Robots and the Revolutionary Loneliness Solution

The lack of human interaction may find the solution in a robotics laboratory. “Friendship needs no words — it is solitude delivered from...
2 min read 129

Leadership or Fascism – the Fictional Story of Organization

Stories are important for the survival of our species as they help us find meaning in life and help us find...
4 min read 286

Do This With Your Kids Before You Jump On Your Next Zoom Call

In this age of a pandemic with working from home and schooling from home and daycare from home, and cleaning our...
3 min read 146
Assorted blue cubes

Artificial Intelligence, Leadership, and Talent Management

Artificial intelligence is transforming the talent management game—from recruiting to team building to succession planning. AI is also proving to be...
3 min read 314