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Declining GDP, Skyrocketing National Debt, and a New Technology That C...

The financial wreckage that the COVID-19 crisis leaves behind will be devastating and long lasting. Already economists are debating whether the...
14 min read 377

Want A Good Acquisition? 5 Ways Startups Can Get A Win-Win

A crisis puts pressure on both slowing down and accelerating startup acquisitions. Slows down because many acquirers, especially corporates, become more...
3 min read 107
COVID-19 Crisis

Coronavirus crisis czars: Politicians Versus the neo-aristocrats

Only four-month into the first reported Coronavirus case in Wuhan china, Microsoft cofounder and alleged philanthropist, Bill Gates, is contemplating to...
10 min read

The future of AI music is Magenta

Music seems to be one of the fields that, at a surface level at least, AI just can’t seem to penetrate....
8 min read 979

Preventing‌ ‌Low‌ ‌Back‌ ‌Pain -‌ ‌A‌ ‌Guide‌ �...

Almost everyone reading this has had or will have some form of nagging low back pain. Given the current pandemic, much...
5 min read 310

Turning Dollars into Dimes: Time-Tested Options Strategies for Losing ...

Creating great options strategies is a process of trial and error. This article is about those errors. Bad Strategy #1 — Selling Naked...
1 min read