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A runner on the starting blocks, under a rain of financial symbols, digital art

Running the Corporate Race: The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Spirit of F...

Explore the intriguing intersection of athletics and corporate governance through the lens of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Learn how fair play principles...
8 min read 225

Why We Invested In Transcera — Ceramide Therapeutic Platform

Excited to announce our investment in the seed for Transcera, a biotech company developing a ceramide lipid-based drug delivery platform that utilizes active transport...
1 min read 379

Brain-Computer Interfaces Offer Hope for the Medically-Compromised Pat...

The brain may need new BCI interfaces in order to help restore lost abilities to patients formerly found to have little...
2 min read 252
Machine Learning Projects - USAII

Tricks to Manage Machine Learning Projects Like a Pro!

Machine Learning is an Artificial Intelligence technique that teaches computers to learn from experience. Machine learning algorithms use computational methods to...
3 min read 278
A drawing of a colorful, lively and dynamic pencil and watercolor of a hokey player striking on rebound

Score Big in Business: Applying Sports Strategy to Sales Management

Draw game-changing insights from the world of sports to reshape your sales strategy. Step up your game with a two-quarter, two-year...
4 min read 250

Radiology AI — Where Are We?

We started Tau in 2019 with the fundamental premise that the inflection point of AI was near. Specifically our thesis was...
2 min read 248