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From the Mastery of Go to Therapeutic Applications: How Neural Network...

As I was catching up on world tech documentaries, I came across AlphaGo, directed by Greg Kohs (available on YouTube), which...
4 min read 268

Are we getting distracted by AI? Data-based Care

As the economy takes a downturn in the second quarter of 2022, and gloomy projections of the market have translated into...
1 min read 250

Welcome to the Metaverse: where are we?

Guide to those who are still looking for their place in the Metaverse Brief summary In the past 15 years, I cannot...
9 min read 499

How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprints for Your Business – The Cas...

If you’re a startup with a sales team, you might have your first few employees use their own phones to make...
3 min read 204

Robinhood Ripple Effects: How Online Communities Have Impacted The Wor...

The COVID-19 pandemic brought with it plenty of disruptive forces limiting industry and the way we socialize with our peers. However,...
2 min read 285

How to Establish Yourself Full-time Income Through the Data Science an...

Are you an algorithmic trading developer looking for other means to establish full-time income? If that’s the case, you should try...
4 min read 344