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Elephant Doctors running

From Consumer Health to Cutting-Edge Therapies: The Decade in Review

M&A life science transactions can reveal trends and evolutionary patterns in the industry, and can lead to a new ecosystem The...
11 min read 232
Observer Effect

A Concept from Quantum Physics Can Improve Your Operations

Best Use: Improving efficiency of processes If you are stumbling down a dark alley and see a guy about to kill...
4 min read 288

The Rise of Tokenisation: How Digital Assets Are Changing the Financia...

As technology  continues to evolve, so too does the financial industry. One of the most recent innovations is tokenisation, a process...
2 min read 452
Top 3 Dividend Stocks of Warren Buffett

Top 3 Dividend Stocks of Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett “Risks come from not knowing what you are doing.” I’m feeling excellent about today’s article, and what a pleasure...
4 min read 506
What are your real business problems?

The Problem You Think You Have is Often Not Your Problem

What are the biggest challenges you are facing in your business right now? I just posted this question on a small business...
4 min read 190

Reimagining New Year’s Resolutions

For many of us, this time of year presents an opportunity to reflect on New Year’s resolutions. Ultimately, it’s a make...
5 min read 266